Le Numéro FarrellExpression
Includes Blackness |
Le Numéro IndigoIf I choose to embrace my otherness --
nurture it inside me, wear it on my skin-- will it still matter that I’m alone? |
Le Numéro JoanaWhy do we, in society, have this urgent need of labeling?
In this piece, Joana explores the multiplicity of her identity and the expectations she has encountered in that process. |
Le Numéro SadiqI eat my feelings to regurgitate your expectations. One glance says everything. Undressing, for a moment, I feel a freedom from your binaries. I eat my shame and then continue.
*Contains partial nudity. |
Le Numéro StavWhen you close your eyes and imagine a circus artist --
What do they look like? What can their bodies do? Gender is a construct. Maybe circus is, too. |
Le Numéro TomA spoonful of salt. An open and clothed observation of the complex boundary between clothes and costume.
*Contains full nudity. |
© 2025 Stav Meishar