Artist Statement
"It is not your responsibility to finish the work of repairing the world,
but you are not free to desist from it either." - Rabbi Tarfon, Pirke Avot 2:21
I deeply, passionately believe that art has the power to change the world. I am guided by the principle that artists not only have the ability to instigate change - but the responsibility of doing so. I explore this responsibility by making work that concerns relationships and the tension inherent to them: Past & present, the personal & the public, the textual & the somatic, marginalized & privileged... The relationship of past & present is the main lens through which I offer my musings: I am passionate about exploring how something people think of as new actually has deep roots and a history; and how something that seems old or irrelevant actually resonates in our lives today and sheds light on the structures of modern society.
I dedicate a lot of thought to the space between originality and authenticity. I wish to subvert our culture’s consumerist obsession with everything new and shiny, to challenge how it may be clouding our ability to tell what truly makes our hearts expand, and to bring forth the truths that flow from within the deepest wells of our identities.
"Authenticity is invaluable; originality is non-existent." - Jim JarmuschTo be authentic means digging into the parts of my identity that stir up many questions and struggles for me: my Jewishness, my queerness, my foreignness my body dysmorphia, my neurodivergence... Thus, a key mode of my experimentation is with the manner in which my individual history (told both as text and histories "written in the body") can be shared and made relevant to many - the audience. |